Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Questions of hope

Hope... is there any? Everyone says that there is hope in the world and we just have to look for hope, but I don't see it. Where is this hope they talk about? I want to try some. Hope is not in my word factor right now. And I have to stop and ask myself if I will ever experience it.

Through out life I always wonder if I could ever get back to the life that I once knew. The life that was full of joy, peace, and yes hope. But in the last 6 years all I have seen is failure. There is never going to be hope again.. right?

I don't know...

1 comment:

Mike said...

Hope is everywhere... its something to look forward to its being able to breath every morning... its knowing that at the end of the day you have a place to sleep a place of privacy. no, you can never get back the life you once knew. you've experienced life in a new way, seen things that define how you look at the world around you... you will never have life like it was... only images of how it should be... don't waste your days looking for that old life, try and make a new life with what you have now. the hope is in the failure... your own, your family's your friends, and even in Gods failure. the hope is that one day it will be made right. that one day everything will be as it should and that there will be no sorrow no failure... the hope of heaven and of salvation. as long as you know Christ you have that hope if nothing else... hold onto it.. embrace God and let him lead you through the times when hope seems gone, the times when failure is all around you. let him lead when you no longer can. as long as you can do that you have a hope that can pull you through.