Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Journey

Everyone has a story. And each story is about a journey. Where will they go on their journey? Who will they encounter? These questions can only be answered by one thing, time.

As I look back on the journey I have traveled thus far, I wonder what went wrong? It started out as the perfect journey and then took a turn for the worst. When did I take the wrong turn?

I look back at the paths that I have chosen and realize that some parts of my journey were forced upon me. When we walk down our roads, we come across people. And those people, no matter how much we love them, will drag us down a path we do not want to go down.

Those paths will bring us pain and sorrow. They will bring us a pain that we never wanted to see or discover. I have to stop and realize that it was not by my actions and my choices that I walk down this road. Like many others before me I am drug down the paths of darkness. Fear begins to overcome my body as I am dropped in the middle of a road that is full of darkness and pain. I try to find my way back but only get more lost. I cry for help but no one cam hear my voice. I begin to wonder if there is anyone out there who can help me.

As I lay in the middle of a dark road, I hear voices, faint but kind. I call out with everything I've got, calling for someone to find me. As the voices grow closer, I begin to notice they are friends. Dear friends who are walking down a road I envy.

They notice me lying on the ground and run over to my aid. I am broken and in tears. They help me stand and encourage me to walk. Like a baby learning to walk I begin to stumble and my friends are there to catch me. They teach me how to walk again and then tell me to keep going on this journey.

They say that there is hope for a better road even if I do not see one. I thank them for their hospitality as they run to the aid of another fallen walker. Then I am alone. I push on like they say but feel like there is no way out. I search frantically for another road but each time miss the turn. The road blocks on this road seem unbarable and I begin to doubt and begin to lose hope.

I hear the voices of those who have helped me along telling me not to let go of hope. I try not to let go but begin to realize that it will be hard. The thorns from the rough road begin to scrape at my soul. Tearing it apart piece by piece. Leaving scars behind. Some of the scars are reopened by these thorns that brush by me. My blood trails behind me leaving memories of what was and still could be to come.

As I continue down my path, I begin to see another path way. I decide to talk this one in hope that it will lead me off the path of pain. I travel quickly onto the next path and notice I am out of the woods. I fall to the ground in relief. I look up only to notice more obstacles. The path may not be dark but it still held amny obstacles to be overcome.

A little ways down the road I notice a man. Standing in the middle of my path. He looks kind and gentle and yet He still has a sense for greatness to Him. He begins to walk over to my side as I lay on the ground bloodied and scared. He tells me to trust Him but I am scared. What is He going to do? I try to get up on my own but am unable to do so. He wispers in my ear to let Him help and in the end I give in.

I nod my head as He lifts me into His arms. He protects me from some of the obstacles we encounter as He carries me down the path. I ask Him of His name and He tells me He has many names. I ask Him what I can call Him and He responds to me with "Friend."

The pain from the wounds and scars begin to become unbarable. My Friend stops in the middle of the road and begins to work on my wounds one little bit at a time. I ask Him what He wants in Return and His reply is for me to follow Him and believe in Him. I agree to the terms and He heals me more.

When the pain becomes barable He tells me to stand and walk again. I do as He says and hold onto His hand. We walk together and I begin to discover more about my Friend. As we walk down my path He stops and points to another fallen soul. He tells me to go and help them. He also tells me to make sure I tell them about my new Friend.

I do as He says and help out a fallen soul. I explain to them about the wonderful new friend I have found and they ask me to tell them His name and who He is. I tell them all I know and they ask Him to be their Friend.

After they can walk again, I return to my path. My Friend is there waiting for me. I ask Him where we are going and He tells me that the road ahead is unkown but the destination is great. I ask Him what the destination is and He tells me of a place that holds happiness. He explains that there is no pain a dn sadness in this destination. He also tells me of a house made just for me. That waits for me there.

I ask Him how to get to this place and He says that the only way to get there is through Him. He tells me that when I asked Him to be my friend I was given the ticket to get into this place. After answering all my questions, He heads off my path. I begg Him not to leave. He tells me that He never left my side and He will never leave my side.

I feel His presence as I continue down my path. And as I go through all the obstacles I encounter, I realize that He is there evey step of the way holding onto my hand.

And as I continue down this road witnessing to others and dealing with the obstacles, I can rest assure that He is always with me until the ends of time.

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