Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama the anti christ?

I have been hearing a lot of issues about Obama being the anti christ. Is this true? I am unsure. a lot of people ahve made some convincing arguments towards him being the anti christ but i am not entirely convinced.

on a blog was posted about what the bible says on the situation. It reads: "According to the book of Revelations, the antichrist is: the antichrist will be a man in his forties, of muslim decent, who will decieve the nations with his persuasive language, and have a massive christ-like appeal... the prophacy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it Obama?"

After reading this i was shocked! how could all this be true and fit in. So i went and looked in the bible to discover if this was actually true. My findings discovered that NO WHERE in the bible does it say this. SO i am stumped. there is a possibility that he could be the antichrist but untill i get more information, i can not make a decision.


K o w a o m o t e said...

I doubt that he's the Anti Christ. Especially about the persuasion part. I mean all politics try to be persuasive.

Anyway, nice blog. :]

K o w a o m o t e said...

P.S. - Sorry if the comment I left you was random. >_>;;

April Oleson said...


thats ok

I enjoy reading about other's comments