Monday, November 10, 2008

"Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God." Isaiah 69:1-3

As I heard this verse from a dear friend of mine, I realized that this is the cry of many of us. We call out for the Lord with parched throats hoping that He will hear our cries. Many times he hears our cries but refuses to answer them they way we want. This is a hard concept for me. When I was a little girl I always thought that God would answer my prayers exactly as I asked Him to. Of course I knew that the whole asking for a million dollars thing would not work, but I thought that no matter what happened in my life, God would answer it the way I wanted Him to. This idea went down the hole when one of my prayers were not answered the way I wanted God to answer it.

So in saying that, just remember that God will answer our prayers, but it will be in His time and in His way. Don't hate Him for doing it differently but rather thank Him for everything He has done for you and continues to do for you.

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