Saturday, November 8, 2008

Only Time Can Tell

I stand and look in the mirror at this face I don't know. Who is she? Why am I looking at her? I start to question her. Does she know what she is getting herself into? Why doesn't she see the pain in her future? Sometimes I want to go up to this girl I see and smack her in the face. Why continue on if you don't know who you are or why you were put here? Why live with the pain and anguish if it is only going to lead to one thing, death?

Behind her smile all I see is pain and sadness. She is crying out for help and no one can help her, except for one person. She realizes who that one person is and fears Him. She knows deep inside that before it can get better, it has to get worse. She has tried once before to give it all to Him, but halfway through the healing process she begins to get scared and backs out. After backing out, she realizes that if she ever wants to get through all of the scars, she will have to go through the entire process of healing. She cannot just skip through one little part. She has to do it all.

Every day she lives is a day she builds onto her walls. Each day she goes on without begining the healing process is a brick built onto her wall that will eventually have to be torn down during the healing process. She fears that day. She knows it will come with great pain. Can she trust this long lost friend of hers to heal her soul?

Only Time Can Tell